
Make the pivot to smart manufacturing to make more informed decisions, optimize processes, and improve overall productivity and efficiency with our manufacturing data services.

A data Engineer analyzing data.

Data and Analytics Solutions for Manufacturing

Manufacturing is the industry that has always had athirst for innovation. Today, we’re seeing the emergence of Manufacturing 4.0 taking shape and experiencing the growth of convergence of OT/ IT that blends data from core systems, IoT data, and supplier data.

Pandata Group’s Data and Analytics for Manufacturing is focused on the modernization of existing data warehouses to the Manufacturing Data Cloud by Snowflake. Our team co-creates alongside you to deploy a scalable data platform that provides full visibility of operations to improve quality, increase efficiency, ramp up productivity, and transform the customer experience.


Featured Solutions

To achieve across-the-board results, you can't just rely on a single-point solution. That's why we've invested in comprehensive expertise where you need it most. Because you don't want to do one thing really well; to thrive, you need to do everything really well.


Organize and Unify Data

It all starts with the right data foundation. Let’s co-create a scalable and sustainable Manufacturing Data Cloud, powered by Snowflake, that is paired with our proven Fuel delivery model. We’ll execute a roadmap to collect, organize, and unify data from across your application landscape. Our manufacturing domain experts have extensive expertise integrating siloed data in SAP/ Oracle, MES, supplier portals, outside vendors, and 3PLs.


Centralize and Standardize Analytics

We implement a scalable, modern data analytics stack that will simplify and automate workflows, turn data into insights, and benefit from deeper transparency and integration across the diverse network of systems in your organization.


Strengthen Your Analytics Community of Excellence

Operate leaner and smarter with improved operations and collaboration. We train your analysts to leverage the modern analytics tools that will streamline their day-to-day operations.

Our Areas Of Focus

Supply Chain Visibility and Collaboration

By taking advantage of centralized data in Snowflake, along with the data sharing capabilities we can provide a platform to collaborate with suppler and enable information sharing so they can efficiently respond to dynamic forecasts.

Demand Forecasting

Whether it’s building a better demand forecast, optimizing logistics capacity, scheduling production, or finding new efficiencies in inventory management, our experts have deep expertise in understanding the complexities and dependencies throughout the supply chain.

Assess and Improve Quality, Efficiency, and Yield

Improve the visibility into production line metrics that ultimately aid in making quicker decisions on quality, throughput, and overall production planning.

Production Line Performance

By leveraging the variety of data generated from your production lines we create predictive models that help determine the best time to service your equipment to decrease downtime.

Perform Machine Learning and Advanced Analytics

Identify use cases for machine learning and predictive analytics so you can predict risk and take proactive measures around equipment maintenance and settings, production levels, and manufacturing quality.

Powerful Stack

Pandata Group solutions are built upon the Snowflake Data Cloud and its powerful ecosystem of partners.


We have held many of the same titles as our customers, from Data Warehouse leadership to BI Manager. Our experience, along with working with today’s leading Manufacturing companies, allows us to provide industry expertise.

Unique Experience

The Pandata Group team is made up of manufacturing experts and data cloud technologists.

Our Manufacturing Clients

MEC logo.Hydrite logo.Sensient logo.Hy Cite Enterprises logo.Ariens CO logo.First Brands Group logo.
MEC logo.Hydrite logo.Sensient logo.Hy Cite Enterprises logo.Ariens CO logo.First Brands Group logo.

Contract Manufacturer Moves To The Data Cloud

North American leader in contract manufacturing transforms insights into operations with Snowflake.

Contract Manufacturer Moves To The Data Cloud

Watch Industry Stories

Honeywell and Snowflake video.

Honeywell Supply Chain and Manufacturing Processes (3:18m)

SNowflake Data Cloud video.

The Snowflake Manufacturing Data Cloud (2:18m)

Nulogy and the Supply Chain Porcess video.

Nulogy and the Supply Chain Process with the Snowflake Data Cloud (1:57m)

A data Engineer analyzing data.

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