CPG & Retail

We provide a data platform to help improve quality, efficiency, and productivity within the CPD and Retail industry.

A data Engineer analyzing data.

Data and Analytics Solutions for CPG & Retail

The Consumer Goods and Retail industry is a dynamic market which has faced unprecedented times that are forcing the industry to reimagine and reinvent itself. Companies in this industry have key priorities such as regaining customer loyalty, delivering a compelling experience, and ensuring reach to the next generation of customers.

Pandata Group is helping Consumer Goods and Retail clients deliver on new customer experiences and intelligent supply chains that will have direct impact on customer ‘lifetime value’ by modernizing their data stack and embracing the power of the cloud with Snowflake.


Featured Solutions

To achieve across-the-board results, you can't just rely on a single-point solution. That's why we've invested in comprehensive expertise where you need it most. Because you don't want to do one thing really well; to thrive, you need to do everything really well.


Organize and Unify Data

It all starts with the right data foundation. Let’s co-create a scalable and sustainable Retail Data Cloud, powered by Snowflake, that is paired with our proven Fuel delivery model. The benefit is reducing time-to-value and lowering the overall TCO for comprehensive analytics implementations.


Centralize and Standardize Analytics

We implement a scalable, modern data analytics stack that will simplify and automate workflows, turn data into insights, and benefit from deeper transparency and integration across the diverse network of systems in your organization.


Strengthen Your Analytics Community of Excellence

Operate leaner and smarter with improved operations and collaboration. We train your analysts to leverage the modern analytics tools that will streamline their day-to-day operations.

Our Areas Of Focus

We are successfully helping our client partners thrive in this disruptive industry with our combination of deep technology focus, industry domain expertise and partner ecosystem – helping modernize their data platforms to be future ready and embed data-oriented decision making in day-to-day business.

Supply Chain Analytics

- Inventory Optimization: Advanced Analytics to manage inventory performance for delivery and stock levels.

- Warehouse Analytics: Advanced Analytics to improve warehouse efficiency and fulfillment performance.

- Transportation Analytics: Advanced analytics to improve transportation efficiency and delivery performance.

- Spend Analytics: Categorizing and analyzing organizations spend data using AI/ ML to optimize procurement costs and improve efficiencies.

Supply Chain Collaboration

- A platform powered by Snowflake Data Cloud for manufacturing to collaborate with their suppliers and enable data sharing so they can efficiently respond to dynamic forecasts.

Optimize Product Development

- Provide insights into customer preferences, behavior and feedback.

- Inform product development decisions.

- Identify trends, detect areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to optimize their product development process.

Reduce Cost and Maintenance

- Predictive Maintenance: Predict machine failure by analyzing critical machine data and reduce unplanned downtime.

Protect Consumer Data

- Identifying and monitoring potential security risks, detecting unusual activity, and providing early warnings of potential breaches.

- Help companies implement effective security measures and improve their response to security incidents.

Powerful Stack

Pandata Group solutions are built upon the Snowflake Data Cloud and its powerful ecosystem of partners.


We have held many of the same titles as our customers, from Data Warehouse leadership to BI Manager. Our experience, along with working with today’s leading CPG brands, allows us to provide industry expertise.

Unique Experience

The Pandata Group team is made up of consumer goods experts and data cloud technologists.

Our CPG & Retail Clients

Sargento logo.Hydrite logo.Organic Valley logo.Hy Cite Enterprises logo.First Brands Group logo.
Sargento logo.Hydrite logo.Organic Valley logo.Hy Cite Enterprises logo.First Brands Group logo.

Watch Industry Stories

The Snowfake Retail Data Cloud video.

Snowflake's Retail Data Cloud (2:30m)

A data Engineer analyzing data.

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